Monday, September 20, 2010

Great, right in the freakin Powerade.

So, this stemmed from an occurrence on Tuesday evening when I was stressed, tired and cranky. Brekky had a ballgame at 7, finished around 8 or so, lingered around the ballfield until about 8:30 and jetted to Lowe's for some last-minute plumbing supplies. Walking out of Lowe's, I didn't realize the Powerade I was carrying was missing a lid. I plunk all the stuff I had been carrying (purse, Lowe's bags, and Powerade) into the passenger seat. Powerade comes pouring out. I have no napkins. Lovely.

Brekyn has a habit of "sliding" our chihuahua, AKA Doosie, down the passenger seat to the front seat. This happens at this moment and right into the seat of Powerade he goes. First words out of my mouth to myself: "Great. Right in the freakin Powerade." This statement, in my mind, was to myself. I hear Brek giggling from the carseat and look back. He says, laughing hysterically, [Mommy, you said "Right in the freakin Powerade."] He keeps repeating this statement, which is equally funny and not funny because I hate using negative language in front of him. Nevertheless, it was too late and I realize how truly comical the situation was, and start laughing with him, and he both laugh the whole way home.

This morning, in his usual cranky morning mood, he is in his car seat on the way to school and starts chuckling out of nowhere. I ask him, "What's so funny?" He says, "Remember when you spilled Powerade and then I let Doosie slide down and he got in it? That was funny."  I say, [Yes, and then I said, "Right in the freakin Powerade" right?] He laughs, and we chuckle all the way to school. Silly little boogs.


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